Updigitalservices classified is hiring interns, and volunteers
We believe that the greatest teams need the greatest number of minds that can work together to create amazing results. Best digital marketing agency at Up digital services, we are constantly searching for the most talented people to come work with us. We are looking to get responsible, honest and hardworking individuals on board with us in different job positions.
Join in on the marketing revolution
Having talented people in our team is definitely always a welcome thought. Join us and you could become a partial owner when the time is right and you have shown your commitment and dedication to helping the platform grow. We are looking to give back to those who work hard to upgrade and enhance the platform to the benefit of an entire community and an entire region of the world.
The future of a large number of people and an entire region depends on how much commitment and dedication we are able to give to Up digital services. You can play a major role in this digital revolution and become a partial owner and partner in this unique and promising platform.
The portal will create unity and it will provide the awareness that is needed in African countries if we want to take a long step forward and catch up with the rest of the modern world. This is your chance to be part of something important, something relevant and most of all, something that will change the lives of thousands of people at first and then millions.
Contact us today and apply
We welcome anyone who has the required skills to be involved in this project to contact us. Our team is efficient, hardworking and friendly. We want to make sure that you feel right at home with us if you join us. Your comfort while working with us is going to ensure that you are able to give this project your best and we will make sure that you feel like you are part of a community and team as soon as you are hired.
This is the future and you can be part of it!
Paul Obika
Angesadpbb President
Nothing matters more than the safety of those who visit our site and the safety of the information and digital documentation that we store in the platform. This is one of the main reasons why we want to have talented cyber security personnel that is going to keep things in order and help protect the network from any hacking attacks.
Being part of our cyber security team means learning how to protect all fronts on the platform and understand the intricate changes in digital technology. This is crucial and extremely important when the platform starts to gain substantial notoriety.
Marketing is moving towards the video experience more than ever before and we need video producers and editors that are going to be able to release highly engaging content to our community and visitors. This is going to play a major role in the process of creating awareness and upgrading our marketing reach.
Proper video productions with the highest quality at the lowest amount of space possible and general audiovisual media optimization are going to be a valuable contribution to the platform. Video marketing has never been as important as it is today
Keeping our community informed of any relevant news that could prove useful is also going to be extremely important. We are looking for experienced journalists that can help us bring news to a whole new level. Constant updates and the most substantial news feeds will be a necessity in order to provide as much vital info to the community.
Inquisitive and efficient journalism means being the first ones to deliver any kind of news about topics that are of high interest to everyone who gets involved with this project.
This is a very interesting job that is very complex. The person who is in charge of social media has to be on top of every aspect related to these platforms. The coordinator is going to take the time to evaluate the performance of his social media pages and they will also have to write, publish, and monitor content at all times to ensure the best possible results.
This is a large responsibility that needs to be taken by someone who feels passionate about internet related knowledge.
Being able to publish quality content as often as possible is crucial for a successful marketing campaign. We are looking for highly efficient and talented content writers that can produce quality blogs and articles for our community.
Good content writers are able to produce what is known as content marketing strategies that require creative writing skills and the power to keep people interested even when the topic is highly technical. We need to be able to give a wealth of free information to our subscribers and this can’t be done without the help of a team of talented writers.